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Roommate Agreement (West Virginia)

Roommate Agreement Instructions:

In the first paragraph enter the date that you are entering into this agreement. Enter the date as day, month year. For example, 5th day of June, 2021.

Next enter the full legal names of the roommates, we provide space for two roommates. If there are additional roommates, we provide you with a lease amendment to include other additional roommates.

Recital A: enter the address of the property where the roommates will reside

Recital B: enter in the first blank the Landlord’s name and the date the underlying Lease Agreement with the Landlord was entered into, as well as the Lease term. The lease term is the length of the lease, which can be a certain number of months or years.

If there is no underlying lease agreement with the Landlord enter not applicable here.


Paragraph 2: if there is no underlying residential lease agreement, enter how long this roommate agreement is for and the specific end date. If this is not applicable enter not applicable here.


Paragraph 3: enter the monthly rent amount for the premises.

Paragraph 4: enter how the roommates will share the rent. For example, if the roommate will split the rent equally state the roommates will divide the rent equally. If split differently state so here, be specific as to how much each roommate will pay towards the rent. Refer to the roommates as Roommate 1 and Roommate 2.

Security Deposit:

Paragraph 6 and 7: if the security deposit will be paid in accordance with the underlying residential agreement, if not then in paragraph 7 fill in the security deposit amount and then fill in how much each roommate will be contributing.


Paragraph 10: Enter what utilities are not included in the rent and that the roommates are responsible for. Examples of utilities may include: water/sewer, electrical, gas, phone, internet, cable/tv, garbage removal and others.

Paragraph 11: State how the roommates will share or divide the utility bills among them. For example, equally among the Roommates, or if certain roommates are responsible entirely for certain utilities say so her. For example, Roommate 1 is responsible to pay for the electrical bill.


Paragraph 15: Here you select whether smoking will or will not be allowed in the Premises. Circle the option that applies.


Paragraph 16:  Here you select whether alcohol will or will not be allowed in the Premises. Circle the option that applies. If alcohol will be allowed on the Premises but with restrictions, state those in clear, concise sentence here. If not applicable, state not applicable here.

Parties or Celebrations:

Paragraph 17: Here you select whether parties, celebrations or gathering will or will not be allowed in the Premises. Circle the option that applies.


Paragraph 22: Enter the maximum number of consecutive nights a guest may stay over for.

Personal Property:

Paragraph 24: Enter any other space, other than the individual bedrooms of each Roommate, which will be deemed personal property. This may include a shelf in the refrigerator or bathroom, etc.…

Bedroom and shared space arrangement:

Paragraph 30: here you can identify which bedroom belongs to which roommate

Additional Rules/Duties:

Paragraph 31: Here you can enter an additional house rules or duties that were not included, or any other information that you feel are important to be included in this agreement. Make sure to use clear and concise sentences and refer to the roommates as Roommate 1 and Roommate 2.

Termination or Change of Roommates:

Paragraph 34: If one roommate is ending his/her/their tenancy enter the number of days’ notice that they must provide to their other roommates.

Paragraph 35: Here enter the number of days a roommate has to remove their personal property and belongings from the Premises once they end their tenancy.

Governing Law:

Paragraph 38: Enter the state that the Premises is located in.

Signature Section:

All roommates should sign and print their name under the signature line.

If there are additional roommates enter their information in Amendment A. if there are no additional roommates discard the page titled Amendment A.