Pet Custody Agreement Instructions:
In the opening paragraph enter the date that you are entering into this agreement, enter the date as day, month and year. This is often the date on which the agreement is signed. Next, enter the names of the parties and their addresses, note that each party is then identified as Party One and Party Two throughout the agreement
In this section we identify what the key points and the background of the agreement.
Recital Section A β Enter the date that the parties started living together.
Recital Section C β Enter the name, breed and description of the pets.
Agreement Section:
Paragraph 1 β Custody: This section explains the custody arrangement between the Parties. You are given several choices of how the custody should be set up. You are also provided with blank line to customize the arrangement if none of the other options work for you.
Place a check mark and each party should initial the option that you are selecting.
Paragraph 2 β Visitation: This paragraph addresses how visitation will work, if any.
Place a check mark and each party should initial the option that you are selecting.
Paragraph 3 β Expenses: There are many options as to how the Pet(s) expenses can be set up. We provide you with three options for each category of expenses, as well as fourth where you can include you own provision.
We have divided expenses under the following categories: Veterinarian expenses, Training and Grooming and Everyday Needs.
Place a check mark and each party should initial the option that you are selecting for each subsection under the expenses paragraph. Note that by selecting one option under one subsection, does not mean that you need or must select the same option by the other subsections. Select the options that makes the most sense for your situation and is in the best interest of your Pet(s).
Paragraph 6 β Medical Treatment: Here you will name the veterinarianβs name and address that will be used to treat the Pet(s), as well as which party will be responsible for vaccinations and medications.
Paragraph 9 β Major Decisions: This section refers to situations where there is major health emergency, illness or need to euthanize the Pet(s). Each party is required to notify the other of such major decisions. In the blank provided you may fill out what will occur with the remains of the Pet. You can state where the Pet(s) will be buried or leave it up to one of the Parties to make that decision at the time. Type in what you would like to occur. Remember to refer to each party as Party One and Party Two as they were referenced in the introductory paragraph.
Paragraph 10 β Future Earnings: This is an optional section if it does not apply enter not applicable. However, if applicable then enter where the proceeds will go. Will it be divided evenly? will only one party receive the proceeds?
Paragraph 13 β Additional Terms: If there are any issues that were not covered in this agreement, you can enter it here. Make sure to use clear and concise sentences and refer to the parties by name or as Party One and Party Two.
Paragraph 14 β General Terms: Includes some terms of the Agreement, such as what state laws govern the Agreement and what happens if there needs to be modification to the agreement and where notices to be sent, including other terms.
Under Governing Law enter the state that the Parties or Pet(s) reside in.
Under Notices enter each partyβs address, phone number and email to be contacted when needed, in the section of other means of communication enter if there are any other ways to communicate by.
Then each party should sign the Agreement and each party should keep a copy of the Agreement for your records.
You may choose to have the Agreement witnessed or notarized, but it is still binding without it as well as long as both parties sign the Agreement.