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Contract Amendment (Utah)

Contract Amendment Instructions:

In the opening paragraph enter the date that you will be entering this Contract, enter it as day, month and year. Next enter the names of the Parties and their addresses. Then enter the title of the original agreement and the date that it was signed. Throughout this Contract Amendment Agreement, the existing agreement will be referred to as the Original Agreement.

In the Background Section:

Paragraph 1: Enter the date that the Original Agreement was entered into and attach the Original Agreement to this Agreement.

Paragraph 2: Enter the title and purpose of the Original Agreement here.

Paragraph 4: Enter how many times the Original Agreement has been amended. If this is the first time the Agreement is being amended, enter zero (0).

Section I. Here type in using clear and concise sentences what is being amended, changed, deleted or being clarified from the Original Agreement. Refer to and it may be best to quote the section from the Original Agreement that is being amended, then state what the amendment is. Remember to refer to the Parties as the First Party and the Second Party. Refer to the existing agreement as the Original Agreement and be as specific as possible.

Section IX. Enter the state that you reside in or if the Parties reside in different states refer to the Original Agreement to see what state is the controlling and enter that state here.

In Section X. We provide you with additional space to enter any other additional information that you deem necessary. In most situations, no additional information will need to be added to the agreement.

Next each party should sign and attach the signed copy with the Original Agreement.